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Catalonia Calling: This has nothing to do with nationalism
20/01/2017 Àngel Soro
Àngel Soro, advocat, cantautor i activista cultural de les Terres de Ponent Àngel Soro, advocat, cantautor i activista cultural de les Terres de Ponent

Per Àngel Soro, advocat, cantautor i activista cultural de les Terres de Ponent

This has nothing to do with nationalism.

It’s not about nationalism. It can be that some Catalans do feel nationalists. But the main thing has nothing to do with being a nationalist. We wish to be free, respected and equal. And that is not nationalism, it is another thing.

We were supposed to be silent. Just there seeing life pass by and saying nothing as if we were narrators of another story. As if we were sheep just waiting for our last day without any right to say that we don't want to be always the people that are and were losing the game.

It is not about nationalism. It can not be nationalism when it doesn’t matter where you come from or what is your surname. It doesn’t matter if you earn a large income or if you are unemployed. It doesn’t matter if you are black or white, young or old, woman or man. It’s not because you went to university or because you were working when you were just a youth. It’s not about your neighbourhood, it’s not about your car, and it has nothing to do with who your parents are; if they were born here or were born one hundred miles from this land. It’s not about being a Catalan or Spanish speaker or both or none.

This has nothing to do with populism. This has nothing to do with nationalism. This is a way of resistance against something which has no sense, those who want you to be like a sheep, always quiet, always coming and going where somebody else chooses, because if not a big dog with white fangs will bite you. And when you don’t want to be part of the flock, when you say it’s enough, your wish has nothing to do with nationalism.

It’s more related to a wish.  A human wish. Freedom. Respect. Human Rights. Own rule. A right to decide your own future. A right to speak your mother tongue. A right to have rights. A right to decide what to do with what you earn. A right to construct with your hands whatever you wish without being threatened. A right to vote. A right to be respected when you vote. A right to be respected when you vote even when you vote to say ‘enough!’ A right to say ‘enough!’ without sitting in a court as a common criminal. A right to live. A right to be alive. A right to decide to open a new hospital instead of buying more bullets. A right to go left. A right to go right. A right to feel Catalan. A right to feel American. A right to feel Irish. A right to feel not Catalan, but respecting others if they feel Catalan.

Our people were killed just for being Catalans. Were put in jail and were always seen as second class citizens just because they were Catalans. There is a big propaganda machine spreading lies constructed from inside a dark office, sons of fascist soldiers ironically using the title ‘National Socialist’ to define Catalans, trying to hide the truth. An old game. Again distorting history. Making executioners of the victims and victims of the executioners. 

This common wish has nothing to do with nationalism. This passive revolution is something related to a common wish. Just to be ourselves, not better and not worse than others, just ourselves. Freedom. Respect. Right to decide.


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