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Open Assemblies “for the rift” so as to debate the election proposal and the Roadmap

The organizations that take part in the plan “for the rift” will organize different Open Assemblies in the local communities so as to debate the election proposal and the Roadmap as well as the process of the election of the name and the people who will be in the candidature


The process of open assemblies has been launched by the Crida Constituent and the CUP. Social activist Gabriela Serra, the driving force David Caño and the CUP-AE deputy Quim Arrufat.

As an answer to the triple crisis in our country, the national, social and democratic one, this process supports the formation of a candidature for the September elections. One of the political objectives is the rift with the legal and political State framework and the opening of a a constituent process. This should put an end to the relationship with the capitalist social basis and should start the creation of a new institution that works for the popular classes.


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