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"In-inde-independència" is a creation of Marcel Casellas

A few days ago an article reminded that Casellas is who invented the famous slogan

Last week Ramon Felipó published an article   in El Matí Digital where he explained that the musician Marcel Casellas was whom invented the famous cry "In-inde-independence". The first known recording of the popular slogan is in the fragment titled Dansa de la terra, Dance of the Land, (the video’s 2:40 minute) of the disc, Visca la Terra!, Cheers to the Land! (1985).

The author of the music for the two songs from the simple Visca la Terra! And the lyrics of Cançó del Tinell, Song of Tinell, is Marcel Casellas (the first song from the single, Països Catalans, Catalan Countries, has the lyrics by Àlvar Valls), who is also author of much of the fragment Dansa de la Terra (and as mentioned, the slogan "In-inde-independence"). What hasn’t been published on the disc (by the recomandation of the attorney Ignatius Doñate, who is the singer for two songs of the simple album), is people shouting “strike very strong, strike very strong… Terra Lliure strike very strong”, but the tune without words and other slogans (including the famous “creation” of Casellas) were finally been put on the single edited by the Comities of Solidarity with the Catalan Patriots, in collaboration with the Movement for the Defence of the Land.

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