Spanish Nationalist Persecution in a Calella Store

Several Spanish nationalist groups are promoting a boycott campaign against “La Biobotiga” (a store with organic products from Calella, Maresme) because it hanged up a sign against the presence of Spanish national police in the city.


Earlier this month, a store in Calella (Maresme, Barcelona) has hanged a sign at its entrance refusing the entry for the Spanish anti-riot police sent in Catalonia (they were staying in a hotel in Calella) to protect the State’s buildings (and give support for the local mobile squad if needed), following Can Vies eviction incidents. “If you are one of the 200 policemen invading Calella… YOU ARE NOT WELCOMED in this store! (in Castellan so you can understand it)”.

Since the store managers posted a photo of the sign on Facebook, with the message “Direct Action!”, they have suffered all kinds of attacks and threats by Spanish nationalist groups: first being police sources claiming the sign “can constitute a discrimination crime”. Shortly after, their Facebook page was replaced by a fake one, also with the name “La Biobotiga”, but with an extreme Spanish nationalist content and with the offensive address Later on, the extreme right-wing website “Dolça Catalunya” (Sweet Catalonia), accused “La Biobotiga” of being part of Ku Klux Klan, several other similar websites threatened the managers of the establishment and, after many similar attacks, yesterday the unionist leader Manuel Parra Cabello (official of the Department of Education and President of the association Civic Movement of Spain and Catalans) published a “political denunciation” against the Calella’s store owners.